Registration for Coaches, Trainers, Managers, and On-Ice Helpers
All supporting bench staff must register through the CYO website in order to sign off on various waivers and for us to verify your qualifications and certifications, and vulnerable police check. Please refer to the
bench staff qualifications and certifications list for the upcoming season.
Returning CYO Coaches and Bench Staff
Please login using the same email as you have completed last year. Please note that police checks (Vulnerable Sector Checks) are only valid for 3 years. Year 1 requires the official document, if nothing has changed in Year 2 and Year 3, you only need to complete a waiver stating that nothing has changed.
New CYO Coaches and Bench Staff
Step 1: Please refer to the Resources for Coaches section (top tool bar of the CYO website) for information and course links for
bench staff qualifications and certifications that will be required for the upcoming season.
Step 2: Register as bench staff. You should have a Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) account already from when you registered your child. Please log into
that same account to register yourself as a coach or bench staff. Do not create a new account. Select the position(s) desired based on your certification(s). If you are both coach and trainer certified, choose both, do not register twice. Helpful instructions with photos on how to register as bench staff is available here:
Step 3: If approved, you must complete the require courses
no later than NOVEMBER 1st or you will be removed from the bench until the courses are completed.
NEW THIS YEAR - All Police Checks must be uploaded to the OHF directly. For further information and rationale, please refer the
OHF website.
OHF Declaration Form - For the Member section it should be Alliance Hockey and for the Association it is CYO Minor Hockey.