PLAYER REGISTRATION (St Catharines CYO Minor Hockey)




As with all other sanctioned hockey leagues in Canada, CYO Minor Hockey uses Hockey Canada Registry ("HCR") for all player sign-ups. Before you click the link at the bottom of the page, please review the information below to confirm you are registering correctly.

Returning CYO Players U6 and Up

Please use the same email address as you have in the past. The player should already be connected to your account. If you don't see them, do NOT create a new login or profile, simply search for the player by name and birth date, and add them to your account.

New to CYO but played with another association last season

If the player was with another local hockey league (example: Niagara Falls, Thorold, Kiwanis, etc.) you may need to request the appropriate transfer before the Hockey Canada system will allow you to register with us. Please e-mail [email protected] if you are unable to register with us and we will check your account and see what type of transfer you need.

Residential Moves (You changed your address from one city to another)

If you are coming from a hockey centre governed by the OMHA, you will need to request the OHF Residential Move Form from the association you left. The completed form with supporting documentation must then be sent by the PARENT to the Ontario Hockey Federation at [email protected].

If you are coming from an ALLIANCE centre you, please complete the Alliance Local Residential Move Form and email it to us at [email protected].

Returning CYO First Shift Players

If you played with CYO's First Shift program last season, and you would like to register for our recreational teams (house league or local league), you will already have a Hockey Canada account from when you took your Respect in Sport Parent Course. Use the registration link below and log in using the same email address you used before. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.

If you did NOT complete the Alliance Respect in Sport Parent course, you will need to complete that FIRST. Choose St. Catharines CYO Minor Hockey League as your association. This is a 1 hour online program is designed to reinforce a parent’s role in a child’s activities, encouraging positive sport behaviours, and empowers parents to ensure the safety of their children, encourage positive and effective communication, and to enhance a child's fun and camaraderie of the activity.

Completing the course will create your Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) account which you use to register the player. There is a $12 + HST fee to complete the course. Once you have completed this course, you can register below.

Returning CYO Take a Shot Players

If you played with CYO's Take a Shot program last season, and you would like to register for our recreational teams (house league or local league), you will need to complete the Alliance Respect in Sport Parent course BEFORE YOU REGISTER.

This is a 1 hour online program is designed to reinforce a parent’s role in a child’s activities, encouraging positive sport behaviours, and empowers parents to ensure the safety of their children, encourage positive and effective communication, and to enhance a child's fun and camaraderie of the activity.

Completing the course will create your Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) account which you use to register the player. There is a $12 + HST fee to complete the course. Once you have completed this course, you can register below.

NEW TO HOCKEY (never played before)

For all children who have never played hockey before, one parent/guardian must complete the Alliance Respect in Sport Parent course BEFORE YOU REGISTER.

This is a 1 hour online program is designed to reinforce a parent’s role in a child’s activities, encouraging positive sport behaviours, and empowers parents to ensure the safety of their children, encourage positive and effective communication, and to enhance a child's fun and camaraderie of the activity.

Completing the course will create your Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) account which you use to register the player. There is a $12 + HST fee to complete the course.

Once you have completed this course, move on to the registration phase. PLEASE READ the Parent Registration Instructions and Walk Thru Document with Step-By-Step Instructions first.

NOTE: If you have already completed the Respect in Sport Parent Course for another sport

Parents or guardians who have completed a Respect in Sport Parent course for another sport or with another association don't have to take it twice, you can simply IMPORT the certificate at the Alliance Respect in Sport site.


Adding another Child or Sibling

If you have a child who is new to hockey but you completed the Respect in Sport Parent Course for another child, you just need to log in to the Alliance Respect in Sport Parent site and add your newest child to your account so you do not need to do the course again. A HCR profile will be created for the sibling.


After the course is completed, return to the CYO Registration page and register an existing participant as you will now have a profile for your child and you will be able to search for them.

Still Stuck?

For further information or help with the registration process, please review the Parent Registration Instructions and Walk Thru Document with Step-By-Step Instructions on how to create a new account. If, after reviewing this document, you are still having issues, please email us at [email protected] and tell us the player's name and date of birth, and what the issue or error is, and we will help.

Required Registration Documents

If you have moved, or if your account is out of date, the registration system will require you to upload the following documents, so please have them ready prior to registration.

1. Birth Certificate - please name the file Birth_Certificate_Name (example: Birth_Certificate_JohnSmith).

2. Proof of Address
- proof of address can be a copy of a utility bill, driver's license, letter from the school, or other proof that the address is the primary place the child lives at. Please rename the file as: POA-Name (example: POA_JohnSmith)
