Suspensions & Appeals, CYO Rules (St Catharines Minor Hockey)


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CYO Suspension and Appeal Procedures

NOTE: OHF minimum suspensions can not be appealed.

CYO Suspension Review Procedures

In cases that require review by the Board: 

  1. The Director of Risk shall advise the President and Program Director of the incident. In the event the Program Director cannot be reached, the Assistant Director shall be advised. 

  2. The Director of Risk shall place the incident on the agenda of the next Board meeting. 

  3. In cases of repeat offenders (three or more suspendable offences), the Director of Risk shall notify the Program Director of the date, place, and time of the meeting, and when the Board will review the incidents. The parent and child will be advised that they have a right to be present at the meeting and speak on their own behalf.

  4. The Director of Risk shall make a full report to the Board. At the review meeting, the Director of Risk may call any witnesses they wish and make any submissions and recommendations they wish to make to the Board.

  5. After hearing all the evidence and submissions, the Board shall, in closed session, make any decisions regarding discipline which shall be conveyed in writing to the player, parent, coach and Program Director concerned.

  6. The discipline of the player/ team official is still in effect until the review process is complete.

In cases that call for automatic suspensions:

  1. The Director of Risk shall advise the President and Program Director of the incident. 

  2. The Program Director will advise the head coach and/or parent and player involved of the discipline to be imposed according to these rules. 

  3. Program Director/Assistant Program Director may suspend a team official within their Program for conduct they feel goes against the Alliance Code of Conduct. This would be enforced until a review by the CYO Board.

CYO Appeal Procedure

Members who are not satisfied with results of disciplinary action may do the following, in this order:

  1. Discuss the situation with the player’s coach, or if the suspended party is the coach,

  2. Discuss the situation with the Program Director or Assistant Program Director (if the primary Program Director cannot be reached). The Program Director may, in turn take the matter up with the Director of Risk on behalf of the parent, player or coach.

The Director of Risk shall interpret the Rules and mediate disputes. In mediating disputes when requested, they shall determine the appropriate procedure, referring to CYO Rules and Guidelines, ALLIANCE Hockey Rules and Guidelines, OHF Rules and Guidelines, and Hockey Canada Rules and Guidelines.