8.0 Hockey Council, CYO By-laws (St Catharines CYO Minor Hockey)


Print8.0 Hockey Council

8.1 A Council of Officers, which shall be known as the Hockey Council, shall be composed of the following persons:

8.1.1 The Immediate Past-President of the Corporation;
8.1.2 The Program (Parish) Leader from each CYO Association;
   - Canadiens: Immaculee Conception;
   - Eagles: St Julia;
   - Kings; St Denis;
   - Majors: St Mary;
   - Sharks: St Alfred;
   - Red Wings: Star of the Sea;
   - U6-U7 Initiation Program (IP)
   - Rep BB IceDogs
8.1.3 The Program Director for the Representational Division (BB)
8.1.4 The Coordinator for the U6 and U7 Initiation Program (IP)
8.1.5 The Coordinator of the U9 Program


CYO Hockey Programs (Parish) Association Leaders, Directors and their Assistants shall receive their appointment to the Hockey Council by a letter of endorsement by the Electing Committee of their Association or Program Association, submitted to the Board of Directors. The Association or Program members must be notified in a timely manner through conventional means, including but not exclusive to the CYO website, email, or end of year program banquets. An Election chairperson must be identified and the Board notified one week in advance of the election. The Election Chairperson must then submit the minutes of the meeting along with the election results in a letter addressed to the Board.


Each of the recreational program leaders shall attend Executive and Hockey Council meetings as the representative of their Association and shall:

8.3.1 Act as a liaison between the Executive and the players, parents, and coaches of their Association or Program;
8.3.2 Implement at the team level, policies and resolutions passed by the Board of Directors and/or the Hockey Council;
8.3.3 Assist with the the registration process prescribed by the Board of Directors;
8.3.4 Select and submit, to the Executive Committee, the names of qualified coaches and trainers, in numbers prescribed by the Board of Directors, as necessary to supervise the teams under his/her leadership;
8.3.5 Ensure that all players under their leadership are eligible to play at each game in accordance with the rules and regulations of play prescribed by the Hockey Council;
8.3.6 Ensure that all coaches under their leadership are eligible to be rostered according to the rules and regulations;
8.3.7 Participate in the budgeting process of the Corporation prior to the commencement of each hockey season;
8.3.8 Comply with all disciplinary action taken by the Executive Committee against them or anyone under their leadership;
8.3.9 Vote for or against all motions brought forward at Hockey Council, Hockey Executive and Executive Committee.

The Director of the CYO BB Program shall attend Executive and Hockey Council meetings as the representative of their Association and shall have all corresponding responsibilities as listed in these By-laws in relation to their Association and the Corporation as a Program Director listed in 16.3 above has in relation to their Association and has the additional following responsibilities:

8.4.1 Attending all Alliance Representative meetings pertaining to the BB-B (MD) program and provide a monthly report to the Executive;
8.4.2 Oversee the tryout selection process for all BB-B (MD) teams;
8.4.3 Coordinate with the Director of Operations in scheduling ice allocated to BB-B (MD), including participating in all ice scheduling meetings with the Alliance;
8.4.4 Submit to the Registrar, prior to the House League allocation, the final roster names of all BB-B (MD) teams;
8.4.5 Obtain and submit names of interested coaches and trainers to the Hockey Executive for approval prior to the start of any BB-B (MD) tryouts;
8.4.6 Assist the Director of Risk with the discipline process for all coaches and players within the BB-B (MD) program including reporting any suspensions to the Director of Risk.


The Director of the CYO IP Program shall attend Executive and Hockey Council meetings as the representative of their Association and shall have all corresponding responsibilities as listed in these By-laws in relation to their Association and the Corporation as a Program Director listed in 16.3 above has in relation to their Association and has the additional following responsibilities:

8.5.1 Assist the Registrar by overseeing the roster distribution process for all U6 and U7 level teams;
8.5.2 Assist the Director of Development with any additional development needs and sessions;
8.5.3 Assist the Director of Risk with the discipline process for all coaches and players within the U6-U7 divisions;
8.5.4 Promote and develop the U6-U7 IP Program;
8.5.5 Assist with choosing appropriate tournaments (jambourees) and getting teams registered and paid; 


Once appointed an Officer by the Board, each incumbent Officer shall continue as such until the earlier of:

8.6.1 The Officer’s resignation;
8.6.2 The appointment of the Officer’s successor by the Board pursuant to these By-laws;
8.6.3 The Board Officer ceasing to be a director or member of the Corporation; or
8.6.4 Their removal from office by the Executive Committee pursuant to these By-laws;

In the event of a vacancy of a Program Director after the commencement of the new season, new applications shall be considered by the Board.

Each of the above listed Associations and Programs and the Immediate Past President are all entitled to one (1) vote each in respect of hockey matters to be decided by the Hockey Council, the Hockey Executive and the Executive Committee as the case may be.


Only one person representing each CYO Association listed in these By-laws, and the Immediate Past President, are entitled to vote in respect of hockey matters to be decided by the Hockey Council except that the President or Vice President chairing the meeting in the President’s absence is entitled only to vote in the case of an equality of votes, in which case his/her vote shall break the deadlock. Notwithstanding they are unable to vote at Hockey Council matters, all Corporation Directors shall be entitled to propose and second motions for the Hockey Council’s consideration. Every member of the Hockey League Executive is entitled to speak to resolutions and participate in discussions of matters before the Hockey Council.


If any CYO Association or Program suspends operation within CYO Hockey for any reason, the Board shall to suspend any voting rights at Hockey Council, Hockey League Executive or Executive Committee of such an Association and shall further to recalculate required percentage of Associations attending for the notice provisions or for quorum within these by-laws to reflect the suspension of the Association’s voting privileges until the next AGM.


In the absence of the Program Leader or Director, or an Assistant Leader or Director, a CYO Association or Program may approach the President for permission to appoint another member in good standing to attend meetings on the Association’s leadership’s behalf. Only upon submission to and approval by the President will the member be allowed to represent the Parish or Program Association and to exercise the voting privileges of that Association. Submission and acceptance to be reported in the minutes of the meeting.


The duties of the Hockey Council shall include but not be limited to:
8.12.1 Prior to the commencement of each season review and reaffirm the CYO Hockey Rules which will be govern CYO hockey play that season including considering any rule amendment proposal recommendations received from the Rules Committee;
8.12.2 During each CYO Hockey Season, determine any issue concerning the application of the CYO Hockey Rules including the suspension, waiving or modification of any rule as allowed by the CYO Hockey Rules;
8.12.3 Recommend persons for election to vacant positions on the Board of Directors, and all Committees and appointed officers;
8.12.4 Provide the Board of Directors with recommendations as required by these By-laws and in other cases as requested by the Board of Directors;
8.12.5 Meet with Hockey Executive a minimum of seven times per year, excluding any special meetings;
8.12.6 Assist the Board of Directors with respect to scheduling, budgets, registration procedures, championship day and the appointment of timekeepers;
8.12.7 Recommend to the Board that a person be dismissed from an appointed office of the Corporation (other than a Program Leader, Director, Assistant Leader or Assistant Director) for conduct detrimental to the general welfare of the Corporation as allowed in these By-laws;
8.12.8 Observe league games and monitor games as requested by the Board of Directors;
8.12.9 Impose discipline in matters where a review is required or where there is no specific course of action prescribed in these By-laws or by the rules and regulations set out by the Hockey Council.


A Hockey Council meeting must be called by the President in the event that any Parish Leader and/or Program Director request that a meeting be convened, with such a meeting to take place within one (1) week of the request. Notice of a Hockey Council Meeting must be given by personal contact, telephone, email or writing and shall include the commencement time and place. The Secretary or other person requested by the President shall give notice at the President’s direction.


To convene any regular meeting of the Hockey Council of which a minimum of 72 hours notice of meeting is given, the quorum of such a meeting of the Hockey Council is the presence at the meeting’s commencement of five (5) persons capable of casting votes excluding the Chair.


In urgent circumstances which requires the convening of an emergency meeting of the Hockey Council and which prevents the giving of a minimum of 72 hours notice of the meeting is given, the quorum of such a meeting of the Hockey Council is the presence at the meeting’s commencement of seven (7) persons capable of casting votes excluding the Chair. Provided that a person capable of casting a vote at Hockey Council and unable to attend, may give his or her written or emailed proxy to vote to any other Hockey Council member present at the meeting. Persons present capable of voting and any such proxies shall both be considered equally when the presence of the required number of Hockey Council votes calculated. These emergency proxies can only be used under these extraordinary circumstances and in no case for meetings of Hockey Council for which more than 72 hours notice has been given. 

8.16 CHAIR

All meetings of the Hockey Council shall be chaired by the President or an Appointed Director. The President or Director chairing the meeting in the President’s absence is entitled only to vote in the case of an equality of votes, in which case his/her vote shall break the deadlock.


Anyone wishing to create or dismantle a Program or Association must put the request before Executive for approval. A vote of no less than 75% must be obtained for the process to move forward.