7.0 Election of the Board of Directors, CYO By-laws (St Catharines CYO Minor Hockey)


Print7.0 Election of the Board of Directors

At the Annual General Meeting convened pursuant to these By-laws, each Officer of the Board position on the Board shall be elected by the member’s Delegates in accordance with the provisions of this By-law.

7.1 Individuals may only stand for election to one (1) Officer of the Board position but may be appointed to fill a vacancy in one (1) other Officer of the Board Position pursuant to these By-laws and may thereby hold a maximum of two (2) Officer of the Board positions.


The order of the Director and Officer of the Board elections being:

7.2.1 President;
7.2.2 Director of Risk;
7.2.3 Director of Operations
7.2.4 Director of Development;
7.2.5 Director of Initiation Programming (IP);
7.2.6 Treasurer;
7.2.7 Secretary;
7.2.8 Registrar: and,
7.2 9 Three (3) Directors at Large.


The Directors and Officers of the Board shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and the following procedures apply:

7.3.1 The Hockey League Executive shall designate one of its members at its last meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting as an Election Chair, provided that person is not seeking election or re-election as a Director, who shall preside over the election of Directors and Officers of the Board;

7.3.2 Every person seeking a position on the Board shall have their nomination moved and seconded by members in good standing;
7.3.3 No later than seven (7) days prior to the Annual General Meeting; candidates seeking election as a Director and Officer of the Board shall advise the Election Chair of their intention to seek office and are further encouraged to provide the Election Chair with a statement of their qualifications not to exceed two hundred (200) words for advance circulation to the member’s delegates;

7.3.4 The Election Chair shall also call for “nominations from the floor” for each position to be elected and shall accept the nomination of any additional candidate provided that any such nomination is moved and seconded by members’ delegates;

7.3.5 The Election Chair shall invite each candidate seeking election to any Office of the Board position to speak to the members’ delegates for no more than two minutes;

7.3 6 If there is only one candidate for any Officer of the Board position, other than for the Director at Large position, that candidate is acclaimed to the position they are seeking;

7.3.7 Each position to be elected shall be voted upon by show of hands unless a poll is demanded and, if a poll is demanded, such election shall be conducted by secret ballot, and,

7.3.8 If there are two (2) or more candidates for any Officer of the Board position, other than for the Director at Large position, Officer of the Board position shall be voted upon by the members’ delegates at the Annual General Meeting by show of hands unless a poll is demanded and if a poll is demanded such election shall be by secret ballot.


If there are only two (2) or three (3) candidate(s) for the Director at Large positions, that candidate or those candidates shall be deemed acclaimed to that or those positions.


The Election Chair may designate neutral members present to assist him or her in counting the votes or ballots and may allow the candidates to appoint scrutineers.


Prior to the next Annual General Meeting, any vacant Director and Officer of the Board position may be filled as follows:

7.6.1 Provided five (5) or more directors, whether elected or appointed, remain in office and provided no fewer than three (3) of the remaining Directors have Board voting privileges, any vacancy occurring in the Board may be filled for the remainder of the term;
7.6.2 If four (4) or fewer Directors remain in office or if five (5) Directors remain in office remain in office but only two (2) of the remaining Directors have Board voting privileges, the remaining directors shall forthwith call a Special Meeting of the members to fill the vacancies on the Board; and,

7.6.3 If there are no directors then in office, a Special Meeting of the Members to fill the vacancies may be called by any CYO Association or Program, by giving notice to the other CYO Associations and Programs.


Notwithstanding any vacancy on the Board, the Board shall discharge its duties, responsibilities and obligations as if no vacancy existed provided steps are being taken to fill the vacancies in accordance with this By-law.


If four (4) or fewer Directors and Officers of the Board remain in office or if five (5) Directors and Officers of the Board remain in office remain in office but only two (2) of the remaining Directors have Board voting privileges, the remaining Directors shall be empowered to continue to manage the affairs of the Corporation on an interim basis, with any assistance they require from Hockey Council, until a Special Meeting required can be convened.


If the position of President shall become vacant, the Director Risk shall immediately but temporarily assume the responsibilities of the President in an “Acting President” capacity until the President’s Office is otherwise filled in accordance with this By- law. If the position of President shall become vacant and the position of the Director of Risk is also vacant, the Director of Operations shall immediately but temporarily assume the responsibilities of the President in an “Acting President” capacity until the President’s Office is otherwise filled in accordance with this By-law.


Provided the Directors and Officers of the Board remaining in office, after consulting with and receiving recommendations from the Hockey Council, shall:

7.10.1 Designate another Director and Officer of the Board to assume the responsibilities of the vacant position of any Officer of the Board in addition to the responsibilities of their original position;
7.10.2 Appoint another Director and Officer of the Board to fill the vacant Officer of the Board position by vacating their original position and then filling their vacated position in accordance with this sub-by-law; or,
7.10.3 Appoint a member in good standing with the qualifications prescribed in these By-laws to fill the vacant Director and Officer of the Board Position.


Any person appointed to fill any vacant Director and Officer of the Board position in accordance with this By-law shall only occupy that position until the next Annual General Meeting.