5.0 Meetings of the Members, CYO By-laws (St Catharines CYO Minor Hockey)


Print5.0 Meetings of the Members

5.1 The annual general meeting (AGM) of the members shall be held at the conclusion of each season at a date and place within the Regional Municipality of Niagara, by resolution of The Board of Directors, but not later than May 31st of the current year. 

5.2 Prior to any meeting of members, each CYO Association and each CYO Program listed in By-Law 8 shall elect from among those regular individual members associated with its Association five (5) delegates to represent each CYO Hockey Association’s interests at the meeting. 

5.3 If any CYO Association or Program suspends its operation within the season for any reason, the Board shall suspend the non-operating Association’s right to be represented by delegates at any meeting of the members.

5.4 For greater certainty, each individual regular member is entitled to vote for the delegates of each CYO Association they are associated with.

5.5 Each elected member delegate shall be entitled to one (1) vote at members’ meetings, and such delegates must vote personally and not by proxy.

5.6 A member of the Hockey League Executive as defined by these By-laws during any fiscal year is not eligible to be a delegate at any members’ meeting held during that year, even upon resignation of their office during the fiscal year. 

5.7 A letter from each CYO Association or Program certifying that certain persons are the duly elected delegates of the group shall be delivered to the Board with proper verification, and upon confirmation by the board, at or about two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the meeting of the members, these persons shall then be deemed to have the authority to exercise such vote.

5.8 The Order of Business at the AGM shall be:

5.8.1 Reading of the Minutes of the previous AGM and any intervening Special Meeting of the Members;
5.8.2 Business arising from the Minutes;
5.8.3 Reading and Consideration of Communications and Notices;
5.8.4 Recognition of Honorary Life Members;
5.8.5 Treasurers Report;
5.8.6 President's Report;
5.8.7 Director of Risk's Report as to complaints and discipline;
5.8.8 Any Committee Reports;
5.8.9 Consideration of By-law Amendment Proposals;
5.8.10 If required, the Consideration of the Removal of any Director;
5.8.11 If required, the Consideration of any Affiliation Proposal;
5.8.12 New Business;
5.8.13 Recommendations for Upcoming Year;
5.8.14 Election of the Directors and Officers of the Board of Directors.


Other meetings of the resolution of the Board of Directors or of the Hockey Council at any date and time and at any place within the Regional Municipality of Niagara, Ontario to transact business of the Corporation.

5.9.1 The procedural provisions in this By-law governs both the AGM and Special Meetings of the Members convened with necessary modifications.


Each member entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting or any other meeting of the members is entitled to receive notice of any such meeting, which must include the date, commencement time and location of the meeting and, in the case of a special meeting, the business the meeting is called to consider in general terms. This required Notice is deemed sufficiently made if one or more of the following occurs:

5.10.1 A printed notice containing the required details of the member’s meeting information is published at least once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks next preceding the meeting in a newspaper in daily general circulation in St. Catharines; 

5.10.2 A notice containing the required details of the member’s meeting information is posted upon the CYO website and remains upon the website for a minimum of 14 days preceding the meeting; 

5.10.3 A Notice of the meeting containing the required details is provided to each CYO Association and Program by sending by email, prepaid ordinary mail, or delivered personally to each Association and Program Director a minimum of 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. Association and Program directors shall use their best efforts to disseminate Notice of the meeting to all members of their respective Associations and Programs.


The accidental omission to give notice of any meeting or any irregularity in the notice of any meeting or the non-receipt of any notice by any member or members or by the auditors of the Corporation shall not invalidate any resolution passed or any proceedings taken at any meeting of members.


Unless otherwise provided herein, Robert's Rules of Order shall be applicable to questions of procedure at meetings of members. 

5.13 VOTES

Every question submitted to any meeting of members shall be decided in the first instance by a show of hands of the voting delegates and in the case of an equality of votes the chairman of the meeting shall both on a show of hands and at a poll have a casting vote in addition to the vote to which he may be otherwise entitled. At any meeting, unless a poll is demanded, a declaration by the chairman of the meeting that a resolution has been carried or carried unanimously or by a particular majority shall be conclusive evidence of the fact. A poll may be demanded either before or after any vote by show of hands by any voting delegate. If at any meeting a poll is demanded on the election of a chairman or on the question of adjournment it shall be taken forthwith without adjournment. If at any meeting a poll is demanded on any other question or as to the election of directors, the vote shall be taken by ballot in such manner and either at once, later in the meeting or after adjournment as the chairman of the meeting directs, The result of a poll shall be deemed to be the resolution of the meeting at which the poll was demanded. A demand for a poll may be withdrawn.


The President shall chair any meeting of the members, or in the absence of the President, a Director shall chair any meeting of the members. If the President is absent, and no Director is present, the voting delegate members present shall choose another director as chairman of the meeting and if no director is present or if all directors present decline to take the chair then the voting delegate members shall choose one of their numbers to be chairman.


The chairperson of any meeting, may with the consent of the meeting, adjourn the same from time to time to a fixed time and place and no notice of such adjournment need be given to the members. Any business may be brought before or dealt with at any adjourned meeting, which might have been brought before or dealt with at the original meeting in accordance with the notice calling the same.


A quorum at any meeting of the members shall be three fifths of the number of voting delegate members entitled to be present at the meeting. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless the requisite quorum be present at the time of the transaction of such business, If a quorum is not present at the time appointed for a meeting of members or within such reasonable time thereafter as the members present may determine, the voting delegates present may adjourn the meeting to a fixed time and place but may not transact any other business and the provisions of these By-laws with regard to notice shall apply to such adjournment.